Review – Glass

I’m just so surprised with how bad this was. Like, he made two good movies in this trilogy. And he managed to just royally screw this whole thing up. This movie is so awful, that it almost brings down Unbreakable and Split too, just by association.

I was ready to be done watching it half way through. So maybe part of my disgust, and dissatisfaction with the twists and the ending, is that I just didn’t enjoy sitting through the movie. Like, I knew there was going to be a twist at the end. Probably a couple of them. But even at a certain point, even hoping for the best possible twist ending you could think of, the viewing experience of this movie was just so bad that NOTHING would have salvaged it. It went off the deep end.

Unbreakable and Split both worked as supposed “super hero” movies because of the subtle integration of common, but interesting, superhero elements. Both Unbreakable and Split are good movies, and they work entirely on their own. I really wish M. Night hadn’t tried to connect them all with this absurd Glass plot. Split was fine on its own before that last after-credits thing. And Unbreakable stood the test of time. But now I feel like it’s been slandered.

I had to stop myself from poking holes through this during the whole thing. I could barely pay attention to the movie because I was so distracted by how unbelievable and unbelievably stupid most of this movie was.

This is just drivel. M. Night…Just stop. Stop it.

I like M. Night. He has some great movies. Sixth Sense, obviously. The Village, Signs. Unbreakable. I even liked Lady in the Water back in the day. I always want to give him the benefit of the doubt, because he makes interesting movies. But when you go for the things that he goes for, there’s always the chance that it will turn out horribly. Like The Happening, or Glass. I’ll still watch his next movie, I’m sure.\

In this case, a 2 star is actually being generous. There’s some value in this movie. McAvoy is incredible. And it explores some themes that are nice I guess, but I honestly don’t feel like expending any more energy analyzing this movie. Better luck next time M. Night. Maybe let someone else write some scripts for you and concentrate on directing.

2 out of 5 stars