A New Year

We are now just as far away from 2030 as we are from 2000. Scary thought. Or maybe it’s an exciting thought. It depends on perspective. Personally, I look forward to the advances in both technology and culture that the future holds.

Whenever I mention to someone that I think cell phones will eventually be implanted into our brains, people give me funny looks. Which is actually pretty interesting, if you think about it. If I would have said that ten years ago – heck, even five years ago maybe – I wouldn’t have simply received funny looks. People wouldn’t have even responded. Or maybe they would have just laughed it off as crazy. But that people are actually giving me funny looks shows just how far we’ve come. They can’t completely dismiss it. It seems far-fetched at first thought. But if you think about it a little bit…it makes a lot of sense. Cell phones are where the future lies. They aren’t phones anymore, by all standards. They do everything for us. They provide organization, planning, communication, connection, entertainment, and much more. They are how we function. You are probably reading this on your phone right now. Either that or your tablet. And eventually…we won’t even need a physical object to use our phones. Soon we’ll have projection displays, and Google Glass. And after that…I’m telling you….we’ll have devices implanted in our brains so that we can just bring up a display in our field of vision. I’m also willing to bet that we’ll be able to monitor our vital signs using this technology, to see how healthy we are.

Yes. We will, in fact, be cyborgs.

But let’s not get ahead of ourselves. Right now, we’re just regular ole humans with a fascination for handheld media devices.

Well that got out of hand fast, huh? Let’s tone it back here, shall we? Here are some pics from my first day of the new year. Year 2015. Luckily, the year started off with a win for my alma mater, the Missouri Tigers. It wasn’t pretty. But it was a win that capped off our second consecutive 11 win season. And I’ll take that any day. Or any year.

Here’s to a new year, folks. Unfortunately, these pics aren’t as exciting as futuristic cyborg humans with cell phones in their brains. But they’ll do.

Janna Portrait Janna Prego Profile Bathroom Self PortraitBar Shot Amelie Closeup portrait Addison Smiles Addison in Papa's Arms DSC_8881 DSC_8866 DSC_8865 DSC_8852 DSC_8850 DSC_8892 DSC_8888 DSC_8887 DSC_8886 DSC_8882 DSC_8896 DSC_8899 DSC_8900 DSC_8902 DSC_8903 DSC_8904 DSC_8912 DSC_8930