Micro Review – Thor: Ragnarok

So are we all just pretending the Thor series was always a buddy comedy and that Loki is a likeable funny guy that didn't try to destroy the world and all that? Oh, we are? Okay cool. It seemed like they figured out that the plot drama in the Thor movies was forgettable and dull, so they just put jokes in to spice it up. It's like they're giving the audience permission to no...
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Micro Review – Alien: Covenant

I had higher hopes for Alien: Covenant. I liked Prometheus (and I think it's vastly underrated). But this is no Prometheus. It tends to waver back and forth between campy horror and philosophical sci-fi wannabe. It doesn't want to be campy I don't think. And the special effects do their best to make it scary and shocking. But so much of the gore is just so excessive. I wanted m...
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Micro Review – Logan

I haven't seen an X-Men since X-2, and I'll be honest, I remember nothing about that movie or the original. So it was a bit strange to watch Logan - seemingly the end of the journey for Wolverine. I'm sure there's a lot of history and back story that populate this movie. But since I didn't know any of it, the movie felt like an abstract character study full of hidden depth. I a...
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Oscar Predictions – 2018

  Somehow, I managed to see all of the Best Picture nominees from 2017, maybe for the first time ever (or at least since my glory days in high school). So here are my predictions for this year’s Oscars, and my votes for who should actually win. I didn't make predictions for every single category - only the categories I felt informed enough about to have an opinio...
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Micro Review – The Avengers

Definitely better the second time I watched it, and after I've acclimated myself to the MCU. The first time I saw it (in theater, actually) I didn't know much about the overall plot line in the Marvel movies. It makes a lot more sense in a larger context. I still don't like the fact that the Avengers cause about as much destruction as whatever enemy they're facing (though I sup...
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