Micro Review – Baby Driver

File this one under the “incredibly fun to watch” category. If I recall correctly, when this came out there was an attempt to make it seem like something bigger than just an entertainment flick. Or maybe not – maybe I am misremembering, or confusing the attention that it got. Either way, it’s not bigger than an entertainment flick. It’s a fun car chase movie, with some real...
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Micro Review – Blade Runner 2049

What a visually stunning movie. One of the best-looking movies I’ve seen recently. It somehow manages to retain the feel of the original film while also staying cutting edge and gritty. It’s probably a bit too long. And the plot feels convoluted at times, mostly because it’s trying to be abstract. If there’s not another sequel in the works, I’d question some of the story el...
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Review – Call Me By Your Name

This is a film that stimulates the senses. It takes place in Italy, in the summer, in 1983. You can feel the sweat beading on your neck and navel, you can hear the trickle of fountains and the chirping of birds, you can smell the apricots in the trees and the summer breeze skipping across the watering holes. This is a film that transports you into its atmosphere. It’s a fil...
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Movie Rewatch – Dunkirk

I’ll keep this short and sweet. Upon re-watching Dunkirk, I now believe that it is a masterpiece. The first time you watch it, you’re on the edge of your seat the whole time. It’s breathtaking. And stressful. It’s a visceral experience – especially if you’re lucky enough to see it in the theater in widescreen. After I left the movie theater, the first time I saw it in the s...
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Micro Review – Darkest Hour

Yes, Darkest Hour is the perfect companion piece to Dunkirk, and vice versa. But both of these movies work by themselves too. Darkest Hour stands on its own merits. It can be just as intense and gripping as Dunkirk, even without the battle scenes. Gary Oldman’s portrayal of Churchill can sometimes be exasperating. It’s almost as if he’s taken on too much of his real life in...
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Micro Review – The Post

The Post has a way of lulling you into nostalgia. Stylistically, Mr. Spielberg employs his most traditional sensibilities. This is not a flashy movie (which we know he is certainly capable of). And I think there’s a reason for this. The subject of the movie is, after all, the Washington Post’s coverage of the leaked Pentagon Papers in 1971. Back then, The Post was not a hou...
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Micro Review – Avengers: Age of Ultron

In many ways, Age of Ultron epitomizes everything I dislike about Super Hero Movies. There are city-leveling fights that result in massive destruction (in this case, to the tune of half a trillion dollars). There are ridiculous and overcomplicated plot points that I don't think the screenwriters even completely understand. But they're not there for substantive purposes. The...
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Review – Hell or High Water

Was it worth it? That feels like the question each character in Hell or High Water has to grapple with. For Toby (Chris Pine), is this robbery spree worth risking his livelihood? For Marcus (Jeff Bridges), has his career in law enforcement been worth it? Will his life AFTER law enforcement be worth living? Amidst the car chases and stick ‘em ups, there are deeper questions ...
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Micro Review – Doctor Strange

I have to learn to appreciate Super Hero Movies for what they are – entertainment. Ever since the Super Hero Movie industry blew up, there’s been this push to take super heroes more seriously. Christopher Nolan’s Batman Trilogy had something to do with that. And the large (and growing) fan base tries to support this notion as well, which in turn causes the movie studios to ...
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