Micro Review – Hacksaw Ridge

There's no doubt that this is an incredible story. But I found the execution lacking for much of the film. Hacksaw successfully tugs at the heartstrings, and plays to our sense of bravery, honor, and personal conviction. But it seems a bit manipulative at times, like it's specifically trying to play with our emotions and make us cry. And what is the deal with Vince Vaughn's rol...
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Micro Review – The Meyerowitz Stories (New and Selected)

I can't help but think this is Noah Baumbach's version of Royal Tenenbaums. He's got a connection to Wes Anderson, and sometimes that connection manifests itself in the form of stylistic and thematic similarity. Potential copycatting aside, I liked this movie. I found myself slightly annoyed by the characters at the beginning. But they endeared themselves throughout the film (D...
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Micro Review (Re-watch) – The Master

I read that The Master is a combination of a few different things that Paul Thomas Anderson molded together (aside from being inspired by L Ron Hubbard and Scientology, it also has parts from an early draft of There Will Be Blood, old navy war stories from Jason Robards, and elements of John Steinbeck's life). And that's not surprising. The film feels like a bunch of different ...
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Micro Review (Re-watch) – Phantom Thread

I've watched this a few times now. I think I keep watching it because I expect to find its flaws. I expect to not like it as much as I think I do. But while I am watching it, I'm just so into it. It's a perfectly made movie. By that, I mean that I believe Paul Thomas Anderson achieved exactly what he wanted to. This is the exact movie that he wished to make. That's an almost im...
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Micro Review – Miss Sloane

I happened to watch this right after Molly's Game. This is the movie I was hoping Molly's Game would be. Miss Sloane is fast-paced while still maintaining patience with the plot and character development. It has a razor sharp script, which can be hard to follow at times, yes, but is ultimately very satisfying when everything pays off. And above everything else, Jessica Chastain...
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Micro Review – Molly’s Game

The kids' bedtime was a little bit later than usual, so my after-bedtime time-for-myself was cut a bit short. I was pretty tired, and had settled on the fact that I would probably only watch an hour or so of Molly's Game and then go to bed. But that didn't happen. I ended up watching the whole thing - no stops for breaks or snacks or anything (which is common for me). It was a ...
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Micro Review – Trumbo

I tend to love movies about the filmmaking process. For that reason, I really enjoyed watching Trumbo. Aside from the fact that it has a great cast - headlined by the great Bryan Cranston and supported by the likes of Helen Mirren, Michael Stuhlbarg, Diane Lane, John Goodman and more - its story is compelling in a way that would've felt antiquated only a few years ago. But it s...
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Micro Review – Game Night

Game Night has the classic Jason Bateman humor we've come to love. Its zany plot does tend to stretch the suspension of disbelief at times. But I'm willing to overlook a bit of ridiculousness as long the laughs are there. And they are. Bateman is supported by a crew of hilarious people, highlighted by Jesse Plemons, whose awkwardness and comedic timing are perfect. I imagine th...
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