A New Year

We are now just as far away from 2030 as we are from 2000. Scary thought. Or maybe it's an exciting thought. It depends on perspective. Personally, I look forward to the advances in both technology and culture that the future holds. Whenever I mention to someone that I think cell phones will eventually be implanted into our brains, people give me funny looks. Which is actual...
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Your Photo Isn’t Dead

I've had countless moments that demanded to be captured. And there's nothing more disheartening than actually capturing that moment, only to discover it was too dark or too bright, or too…anything. When you're quickly pulling out that camera and snapping away, it's all too easy to skip a few steps in setting up your image. And frankly, the best moments in life are spontaneo...
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I’m a little behind…

Well. It's been a busy year. I have a 1 and a half year old, I just started a new position at my work, and my wife and I bought a house. But I suppose not SO busy that I couldn't have kept up with my photo blogging. But things happen, and sometimes time and passions get away from us for a while. I've been taking photos lately, but not really doing much with them. I plan on bein...
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McClerren Engagement

I took some engagement photos for my friend Eric a little while back. He's a pretty savvy guy, so he wanted to just take the RAW files and edit them himself. As a photographer, I understand that. If you're making your own website and handling a lot of the images yourself, and you know how to edit them, why wouldn't you want to just take the RAW images and make them into whateve...
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Florida Vacation

Our family took a trip to Florida this summer. We were lucky enough to rent a beautiful three story house that was across the street from the beach. It had it's own pool, too, which actually got much more use than the actual ocean (relatively clean pool water trumps sand and salt apparently). It had been a long time since we'd gotten out of the state of Missouri, so it was a mu...
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Abigail Turns 4

I swear I don't just take pictures of kids birthday parties. This time of the year carries with it heat, swimming, baseball, and apparently in our family, birthdays. Of course it happened to rain at this pool party birthday. Murphy's Law tends to intervene at the worst moments, right? Luckily we had Grandma and Grandpa's basement to hang out in. Where there's cake, balloons,...
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Little Swimmer

I took these for Amelie's 11 month birthday, but forgot about them since they're on my other camera. We want to make sure Amelie isn't scared of water, so we've tried to put her in the pool as much as possible this summer. She seems to like the kiddy pool. But she enjoys the adult pool even better. She gets to kick her legs around and fly in the air when daddy tosses her.
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Connor’s First Birthday

My nephew Connor turned 1 this past week. My own daughter's first birthday is in less than a month. It really doesn't feel like a year since these two have come into this world. They're growing up so fast, and becoming their own little people. My wife and I like to joke that we don't have a baby, we have a person. That used to be funny because for a while, Amelie was just this ...
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