Tree of Life

The Tree of Life

The tree of life is a mystical concept of foreverness. From our perspective, the world seems to have always existed, and will always exist. But in reality life starts somewhere, and will inevitably end somewhere.

Nine months ago, my wife and I had our first child, Amelie. We both experienced an entirely new perception of what life is, having actually created a life. We got to watch this little person grow from basically nothing, into a bump in my wife’s belly, then to a basketball in my wife’s belly, then to a whimpering little baby. We continue to watch this little life blossom into a beautiful girl who learns and discovers new things every single day. She is growing up fast, and it seems like life itself can’t keep up.

I’ve been very fortunate to be able to capture little moments from my daughter’s life. Life may not be forever, but at least I’m able to stop time in place. That’s what has really inspired my photography in the last nine months.

Maybe we’ve got this whole Tree of Life thing all wrong. Maybe it’s not some living, breathing thing that has always existed, will always exist, and has the ability to keep us young for eternity. Maybe, instead, it is simply a captured moment in time that makes us feel timeless. It makes us feel like we can be young again.

This hobby of time-capturing has been very rewarding for me. And now, I’m also able to provide that service to others.

Please let me know if you are interested.