Micro Review – Enemy


You may need to do some work after watching this film. You might need to watch some explanatory YouTube videos, or research the gigantic Ontarian arachnid sculpture Mother, or you might need to just sit and think for a while. Bury yourself deep in your subconscious and ruminate on what it means to have control, or to lose it, to commit, or to self destruct, to love, or to allow yourself to be loved, or both, or neither. You may not understand this movie at first, or yourself for that matter. But that’s okay. The point isn’t to have a clear picture. The point isn’t to just watch, or experience, and walk away smiling and satisfied and pacified. The point isn’t to be fulfilled. Not really. True fulfillment comes from constantly pondering the nature of yourself. Your interactions, your relationships, your loves, your passions. Your failures. Your faults. Things can tend to repeat themselves. It’s up to you whether those things are tragedies or farces. It’s up to you whether you learn anything or not.

This is the type of movie you think about for a while. It stays with you, like all good art should.

I probably need to watch it again.

4 out of 5 stars