Micro Review – Hacksaw Ridge

There’s no doubt that this is an incredible story. But I found the execution lacking for much of the film. Hacksaw successfully tugs at the heartstrings, and plays to our sense of bravery, honor, and personal conviction. But it seems a bit manipulative at times, like it’s specifically trying to play with our emotions and make us cry. And what is the deal with Vince Vaughn’s role? Is that supposed to be comedic, or did they just fail at making him serious? The fact that I can’t tell is not a good sign. It just comes off as awkward. Also, Andrew Garfield is just kind of goofy, man. I couldn’t get over that in the first part of the movie (all that creepy staring). This is a movie that hits certain marks, but fails fantastically at others.

3 out of 5 stars