Micro Review – Searching

I didn’t expect Searching to be as emotionally resonant as it turned out to be. To be honest, it seemed like it would be a shallow, corny genre thriller that relied heavily on a unique storytelling device (the entire film happens on screens). But the characters are surprisingly well developed. And the plot, while sometimes a bit far-fetched, is still frighteningly within the realm of possibility (stranger things have certainly happened). Because the whole movie plays out on devices, it puts us squarely in the characters’ positions. We feel what they feel, because it feels like we’re the ones delving into this mystery, searching things on social media and Google and Youtube to try and get to the bottom of it. The POV is the viewer themselves. It’s way more effective than I could have ever expected. As such, this movie turned out to be pretty dang good.

Also, what does it say about current society that such a connection can be made through technology and social media? We spend all day looking at screens, so this felt kind of…normal. Even comforting.

Also also… it’s kind of funny to think about if this movie had been shown to a 1950’s audience. It would be hard sci fi to them – almost unrecognizable. But to us, by comparison, its hyper-realistic.

Bottom line, this is a unique and well executed thriller that, dare I say it, pushes conventional boundaries in a way few films ever have.

4 out of 5 stars