The interactive stuff was kind of fun to play around with. But the story itself is just not as satisfying as it could have been. It’s tough dealing with a gimmick like this, because the story is always what suffers. But overall, it was still pretty enjoyable. There was some fun meta stuff going on. I played around with different narrative choices and different endings, and I’m pretty sure I achieved the “best” ending (remember, this is Black Mirror). But I still felt like something was missing. It did feel like a Black Mirror episode, so the continuity was there. And really, when it comes down to it, even “bad” Black Mirror episodes are still worth checking out. I wouldn’t say this was bad. And I would say you should check this out. It’s not going to blow your mind or anything though.
I kept track of all my choices throughout, so I’ll probably go back and try out some different paths some time. Maybe there’s an even better ending out there somewhere.