This is a perfect example of how Netflix is actually helping the film industry. Not that Soderbergh needs help producing and distributing movies. And I have other misgivings about Netflix and streaming in general. But a movie like High Flying Bird doesn’t get made and released in 2019 without a company like Netflix. It’s not the type of movie I see doing well in a theater. But it’s perfect for a Friday night in.
It’s a little tough to crack into at first. The dialogue is very quick – almost Sorkin-esque – and chock full of insider lingo. But that also helps immerse us in the setting. And the setting is not a common one. We don’t often get glimpses into the professional sports industry, and especially not the NBA. I happen to love the NBA, so this was a breath of fresh air.
I was going to try and launch into an analysis of the themes in High Flying Bird. But Adam Nayman just put up a great article on The Ringer that is much better than anything I could come up with. So I’ll direct you to his piece for an in depth breakdown: www.theringer.com/movies/2019/2/8/18215842/high-flying-bird-steven-soderbergh-review